4 Vacation Rental Hosting Tips for a Five-Star Guest Experience

4 Vacation Rental Hosting Tips for a Five-Star Guest Experience

Roughly 60% of Americans want to travel more after the COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns. There couldn't be a better time to be a vacation rental host. A surge in the number of travelers means it's a busy time for short-term rentals.

However, with about 1.98 million (and increasing by day) vacation properties in the U.S., there isn't a shortage of rentals for vacationers to choose from. Being a good host is one of the key ways to attract renters to your property.

To help you become an even better host, we're sharing a few vacation rental hosting tips.

Let's get going!

1. Respond Promptly

Although vacation rental sites provide a suite of features to automate check-in processes, hosts typically need to contact the guest and provide information that will facilitate the check-in.

This is where being a quick responder comes in handy.

Guests who have booked your rental want to hear from you as quickly as possible. They want confirmation that the rental is available for their use.

If you're taking several hours or days to respond to a booking, don't be surprised to see the cancellation rate increase.

2. Provide Complimentary Services

Complimentary services can turn an otherwise regular experience into a five-star experience.

For example, self-catering is the norm in many vacation rentals, but not all guests have time to do it. While many will explore local eateries and have their meals, having an on-site meal service or chef at a small fee goes a long way.

Another service that will make you a great host is tour guiding. If the location has many tourist attractions, guests will want to go sightseeing. Having a guide who can provide information about these attractions or even accompany the guests is a plus.

3. Be Readily Available Throughout the Stay

Your communication duties as a host don't end after a guest has checked in. Although you might have someone at the property to respond to guest needs, being available gives your guests a sense of assurance.

A guest might not find any need to contact you, but let them know during check-in that you're available at all times. Give them a direct contact number.

4. Ensure Your Property Is as Advertised

We've all been there. After endless scrolling on Airbnb, you find a listing that's picture-perfect, only to get there and find that the place is nothing close to what you saw in the pictures. You feel cheated.

The pictures might have been taken when the property was spanking new. After years of use, though, wear and tear has taken its toll. The host should have updated the photos so that new guests have a clear picture of what to expect, but they didn't!

Ensure your property is as advertised. If you made some changes, such as switching the furniture, update the listing with the new photos. Give guests a realistic view of what they'll find when they arrive.

Make the Most of These Vacation Rental Hosting Tips

Being a great vacation rental host is the key to being a successful short-term rental property investor. With these vacation rental hosting tips, you're ready to up your game.

However, if you'd like to get professional vacation property management assistance in Fort Meyers, FL, PMI Gulf Property Solutions has your back.

Contact us to learn about our services.
